Hello everyone! Today I'm announce the CHASER's PREY Сontest. Anyone who loves CHASER.fla and wants to try the chance to appear in the sequel of your, EXACTLY your Hank
From June 26th - July 12th, you can submit up to 3 different concepts of your Hank on Twitter with the hashtag #ChasersPrey
July 13th - July 17th there will be a vote via StrawPoll where we will choose two winners. One of them will be elected by vote, the other by myself. I will conduct all actions and information through my server in Discord, and Twitter. Follow them
Rules for submission of works
- Your work must be uploaded in JPG PNG format.
- The participant must guarantee that the competition work is not plagiarized.
- You can submit no more than 4 Hank designs to this event
- Post work on twitter with #ChasersPrey, if you don't have access to it, then my discord Deep Development server
- If the character has any сapabilities and nuances, write on the reference or attach the text, under image. You can write to me in Discord or any other messenger
Conditions for accepting Hank's design
- A drawing must comply with the rules below in order to be accepted:
- The concept must have at least 2 angles: Front and back. Write character features in text in the drawing itself, or attach text to the drawing
- Preferably work in digital. If the drawing is made on paper, the paper must be clean, flat and well photographed.
- Without Shitpost
- The work must fit the tone of the story. It will be full of darkness, cruelty, gloominess
- Consent to the use of the winning designs in animations and additional materials. If you enter the competition, you agree to the use of your design in my projects and its editing and adaptation by me depending on the plot of the cartoon
- Hank must anatomically and proportionately match Hank MC7
- The appearance of your HANK as the PROTAGONIST or САМEO
- Thematic art of dedications to Hаnk, the main character..
- A special place in the credits along with your Hank
- Chance to influence development
- Special role in discord
Thematic CHASER "Mirage" art
Art by Sitiku
What will I look for when choosing the second winner?
- Creativity and originality of the idea. The power of influence on the perception of the viewer.
- A good combination of colors and shades
- Adaptability with a dark setting
- Symbolism and depth in character design
- The ability for the viewer to immediately recognize that your character is Hank, not even for the most experienced member of the fandom
How will the competition be held?
Until July 12, we accept all your Hank designs and sort them for voting
On July 13th, we will be voting with the challenger concepts through a dedicated voting site StrawPoll
The winner will be announced on July 17th. In which case, an additional stage of voting will be held. There will be two winners in total. I will personally choose one work among all applicants, regardless of the number of votes according to the criteria that I announced above.
Join he competition guys, I'm serious about this project! See you soon and stay tuned
Работа должна быть как МК-спрайт, или можно как концепт-арт?
Концепт, спрайты - все что угодно, лишь бы был передний и задний ракурс, чтобы оценить весь дизайн)